Frank (dir. Lenny Abrahamson, 2014) - EveryFilmIWatch Review

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Frank is a weird little film with a very good heart. There’s lots of smart insight and commentary about life littered amongst its peculiar plot and outlandish cast of characters. The film follows Jon, a musician who feels his talent is dwarfed by his desire to make something of himself, as he gets caught up with one of the strangest groups of musicians one could possibly imagine.

Frank Lenny Abrahamson

At the heart of 'The Soronpfrbs', as they go by, is Frank, a man with a giant papier-mâché head and a talent that leaves his dedicated group of followers in awe. Through Jon (a straight-man role that finally works for Domnhall Gleeson) we watch the band move into a cabin to put together their masterpiece album over a period of months and months. Frank (the lead singer) remains deeply enigmatic throughout, never seen outside of his mask, whilst we acquaint ourselves with the flaws, quirks and beauty of the other band members. These include a permanently irate Maggie Gyllenhaal and a touching comedic performance by Scoot McNairy as Don, the band's sound engineer who suffers from terrible depression.

Frank Movie

The conversation about mental health creeps into the film bit by bit until, by the end when Frank's identity is finally revealed and the dysfunctional truth, previously shrouded in a sort of hipster zaniness, comes out, you realise that it’s the film's focus. It’s message is a mixed one, but it is undeniably moving and - for the five minutes that we actually see his face - Michael Fassbender gives a heart-wrenching performance. Director Lenny Abrahamson also balances his bitterly realistic look at depression and anxiety with a smartly satirical attack on social media and the price of fame for people who aren’t ready for it, or never will be. Overall it's a lovely, unique film with lots of almost Portlandia-esque humour, some excellent and surprising performances and a necessarily honest portrayal of the nightmare of mental illness. 

Frank Film Screengrab

EveryFilmIWatch is multi-channel film review project run by Sebastian Cox, ScriptUp co-founder. Further reviews can be found on Instagram.