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The Silence of the Lambs - EveryFilmIWatch Review

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Classic though it may be, quotable lines as quotable as they are, The Silence of the Lambs is still a remarkably arresting watch, whether it be your first or fiftieth viewing. It's an example of a film in which every department was firing on all cylinders; from screenplay, to cinematography, to set-design, it's a difficult film to fault. But for as classic a classic as it is, it also has that abnormality that is the true final stamp of a masterpiece. Just as No Country has its off-screen death, Space Odyssey has its trippy ending and Raging Bull its mirror speech, The Silence of the Lambs has its own startling quirk: the pivotal character in the plot is barely on screen.

Hopkins's now-iconic turn as Dr. Hannibal Lecter is made all the more powerful by how little there is to it; just a handful of lines really, across sixteen pulsating minutes. Hopkins achieves more in a quarter of an hour (aided by a phenomenal script, deeply intelligent cinematography and disciplined, punchy direction from Jonathan Demme) than what some of his contemporaries achieved in a lifetime. But Lecter aside, the rest of the film, chronicling the desperate, faltering pursuit of deranged serial killer Buffalo Bill by the FBI, is world-class filmmaking. Every twist in the plot, every encounter is so satisfying that it's impossible to look away. Jodie Foster — who remains one of the most underrated actors of all time — puts in an typically excellent performance as Clarice Starling. She expertly navigates the psychology of her character to give a beautifully nuanced portrayal of the difficulty and — frankly — awkwardness of being a high-achieving woman in the Arthurian halls of federal law enforcement.

The film always keeps us half a step ahead of her but we're wholeheartedly rooting for her success, and comforted by her presence as we wade through the hellish quagmire of crime scenes, case files and psychotic killers. This is easily one of the greatest thrillers ever made; it delights in every craft and artistic category. A modern American classic, deserving of its acclaim.

EveryFilmIWatch is multi-channel film review project run by Sebastian Cox, ScriptUp co-founder. Further reviews can be found on Instagram.